Explore the Fortress to Find Quan Chi's Sanctuary
There are many guards in this labyrinth of a level, you may choose to fight them, or simply jump over them and avoid confrontation!
Go right to the first elevator and go up.
Go left past the elevator and into the door.
Fight a female warrior named Kia. Beat her and take her crystal.
Go back down to the ground floor and go right.
Go up the next elevator.
Go right and grab the herbs.
Go left past the elevator and grab the herbs.
Go back right to the elevator.
Go up that elevator and go right and grab the herbs.
Go left to the next elevator.
Go up and then right to the next elevator.
Go up it and place Kia�s Crystal there. (bring up your items menu and hit use)
---Check Point---
Go down the elevator and go right into the room .
Fight a female warrior named Sareena. Take her crystal (don�t kill her)
Go back down to the ground floor.
Go left to the elevator and go up.
Go right to the elevator and go up.
Go left and into the room.
Fight a female warrior named Jataaka. Beat her and take her crystal.
Go back right to the elevator and go down.
Go left to the second elevator and go up.
Go right to the elevator and go up.
Go left and grab the potion
Go back down the elevator.
Go left to the second elevator and go up.
Go right to the elevator and go up.
Place Jattaka�s Crystal there.
---Check Point---
Go down and go left to the elevator.
Go down and right to the first elevator.
Go down and go right to the second elevator.
Go up and go right to the elevator.
Go up and left past the elevator and grab the herbs.
Go back right to the elevator up to the top.
Place Sareena�s Crystal there.
You will now use Quan Chi�s teleporter. You are treated to a short cinematic, then you square off against Quan Chi (but you are not alone!). With Quan Chi defeated, it is time for Shinnok to finally step in.
Now face off against Shinnok!
TIP: When Shinnok is about to shoot a fireball, freeze him. Then run and teleport behind him and freeze him again. Run up to him and take his amulet!! (tip provided by Jesse Jansen ;Thanks! )
Then you will see him morph into a giant demon,run
through the portal that appears on the bridge and when you cross it Rayden will be waiting.....
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