S E C R E T - C H A R A C T E R S
Before you can activate the secret characters in MK Gold, you must first activate the Cheat Menu kode.
Go to the Hidden selection at the bottom of the select screen, choose it with both trigger buttons (L and R) and hold them.
Then while still holding the trigger buttons, move to Cyrax. When you believe to have Cyrax selected, choose him with the
A button.
Go to the Hidden selection at the bottom of the select screen, choose it with both trigger buttons (L and R) and hold them.
Then while still holding the trigger buttons, move to Shinnok. When you believe to have Shinnok selected, choose him with
the A button.
Noob Saibot
Go to the Hidden selection at the bottom of the select screen, choose it with both trigger buttons (L and R) and hold them.
Then while still holding the trigger buttons, move to Reiko. When you believe to have Reiko selected, choose him with the
A button.
In VS Mode, choose the Group button on the bottom of the select screen and play through all 20 characters. When you finish
out the group select mode with Quan Chi, the next character you choose will have Meat's model with that character's moves.
S E K T O R ' S - B I O
To view Sektor's bio, you must first beat the game with him. Then you can go to the Kombat Theater
and highlight the new window beside the Raiden Opening Theme located at the bottom
left hand corner of the screen. Press the right shift button on your controller
to view Sektor's bio, or the A button to see Sektor massacre Sonya, Jax and a
now human-Cyrax again.
E A S Y - V I E W - B I O S
To view any character's bio, even without defeating the
game, simply highlight that character in the Kombat Theater and press the right shift button to view their bios. Remember, to see
the movies, you must beat the game with that particular character in order to
view their ending.