Mortal Kombat (1997) - Blu-Ray Review by Herr Doktor
Howdy do folks! It's your pal and deviant medical confidante Herr Doktor! Do I have a surprise for you today or what? Today we will discuss the mighty Mortal Kombat re-released on Bluray! Why in the jib jabbering' Christ would we do that you ask? Because it kicks ass! It has whipass undead demons from another realm. It has Chinese mythological characters (presented earlier from Carpenter) Presented by none other than Lord Greystoke and Conner Macleod himself, Christopher Lambert! It has Cheesy rave Music, and Cheesy lines cheesy enough to make Chester Cheetah himself gag! It has impressive fight scenes, fairly cool special effects, and everything mentioned before all wrapped up in a plagiarized version of Enter the Dragon!! Why not watch this film? Its fun and frankly not many films can say that. Before mentioning the A/V presentation, I admire the film as it is unapologetic in its attempt to entertain without worrying about Oscar. And that is why it deserves a place here! How many horror films give a good damn about critical success? The video game adaptation beat the hell out of Street Fighter, and let's face it; Scorpion is a hell of a lot creepier than Balrog the boxer. Let's talk Blu-Ray.
Video: 4 out of 5
This transfer is clean, sharp, and crisp. The fight scenes throughout are easy to see and quite realistic. Goro looks a tad rubber in the HD transfer, but that can be expected. Check out the river as the fighters make it to shore, damn sharp. The spirits towards the end are lifelike, and believable. Not bad at all.
Audio: 5 out of 5
The soundtrack is amazing; every fight is mixed to the soundtrack perfectly into lossless HD sound. "FLAWLESS AUDIO PRESENTATION". (Sorry couldn't resist) I could even hear Raiden's lightening behind his eyes. Not bad Folks. Give it a chance, and give you're A/V system a workout!
Extras: Worth the price to see the Mortal Kombat Saturday morning cartoon, once again....Badass!!
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